
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Step 1.

Mental illness. A subject that can create a mixture of reactions in different people.

This post isn't as happy and jolly as my others have seemed... But my blog is a portrayal of the reality of my life, not some dream world. Mental illness seems to be very prominent in the media at the moment and is a subject that has effected me. So I'm just voicing my opinion here....

Apparently depression is being over diagnosed and anti-depressants are being given to patients who don't need them. People who are just 'sad' are being diagnosed as depressed.

Apparently the people around the someone with a mental illness aren't noticing the obvious signs and so it's not being diagnosed enough.

Apparently if you are in the 'LGBTQ community' you are more likely to suffer from mental illness.

Apparently mental illness is just work of the devil. Being possessed by evil.

Apparently mental illness is effected by your social background.

Apparently mental illness is caused by over/under production of different chemicals in the brain.

Apparently mental illness is made up, people with depression are just over reacting.

Talking as a person who suffers with mental illness, and also someone who has done research on the subject. I believe that it isn't something that can be cured by medication. It isn't possession of evil. It doesn't depend on your sexual orientation, it doesn't depend on your race, social background, religion, brain size, shape or composition. Not one of these can solely be used to explain the cause of mental illness.

What do I believe then?

1) The type of illness shouldn't matter. When I say 'I have a mental illness' it could mean that I am schizophrenic, depressed,  bipolar, have anxiety disorder, paranoid.... I could go on. However I don't think this should matter. Each one has the potential to be just as bad as the other, some may be easier to hide or control but they all effect the individual in such a huge and horrible way. People shouldn't be judged if their illness sounds scarier than others.

2) I believe that there is no specific cure. Medication can control it temporarily, and counselling may help some people. To cure it I think it is a matter of believing that it can eventually be cured. For me I believe that through God, I can be strong enough to gradually get better.

3) I believe that we should be able to talk freely about mental illness without worrying about judgement. I am attempting to get over this fear I have of telling people about my mental illness. It's so scary and difficult. It's hard enough trying to face your illness never mind having to try and explain it to everyone around you. I don't understand it myself so how do I explain it to other people?

I really want people to be able to talk about mental illness without feeling awkward, or having to worry about being judged or stereo-typed. There is a reason I haven't told you my specific mental illness and after showing this post to someone they suggested I included what it is so that people don't me.... However the whole aim of this is to challenge your judgement. You judging me does not bother me the slightest, what bothers me is that people don't feel able to talk about heir illness because they are scared of being judged.

So anyway, this is my step 1 to getting better- being able to talk about it.

Muchas gracias
Roxy x

Feel free to comment or message me your thoughts :)

Just a little bit of miranda to lighten the mood... Quick act 'normal'.

1 comment:

  1. Very good. Gotta love the miranda images at bottom but seriously thanks for sharing your thoughts. :D
