
Monday, 4 November 2013

Latin American themed quiz night!

A lot of people have been asking what I am doing to raise money for Latin Link who I will be travelling to Latin America with.

Well this is one you can all get involved with! Woohoo!

I am hosting a Latin American themed night, where there will be:
  • A quiz hosted by the one and only Simon Ashby. (the master of all quiz masters, I hear he will be turning up in a sombrero and poncho!) Possibly with a cash prize!
  • Refreshments which will be free! Yes, that is correct free food and drinks!
  • A raffle with some awesome prizes which will be announced asap!
  • An auction of promises (which involves auctioning people and their services like professional makeovers, a day with your own handy man etc)
  • Also there will be more information about my trip and what the money raised will go towards!
Tickets are £3 and will be available very soon! Email me at or go to the Facebook event page: to find out more or get tickets.

It will be on the 21st December at Amblecote Christian Centre, Brettell Lane, Stourbridge, DY8 4BS at 7pm-10pm.

Let me know if you feel you could help in any way either with set up, prize donations, refreshments etc, any help is appreciated!

Most importantly come along, invite all your friends!

Muchas gracias

1 comment:

  1. Auction me of for a dinner date ;p Ill help in all ways you need. Let me know what I can do xxx
